I'm excited to share this Trader Joe's simple corn dip! I love chips and dip! In fact, I wish there was a restaurant that served only that....dips ... VIEW POST
Avocado Grilled Cheese
Not sure I've ever met a grilled cheese sandwich I didn't like! It's such a yummy comfort food and pairs so well with soup, which I've made a lot ... VIEW POST
Healthy Breakfast Ideas: Avocado Egg Bake
The list of health benefits of avocados is long.....slows aging, nourishes skin, improves nutrient absorption, lowers cholesterol, high in fiber and ... VIEW POST
Avocado Lime Ranch Salad
Do you love Chick-fil-a's avocado lime ranch dressing? Today I'm linking up with my sweet, hilarious friend Heather, aka Blonde Twin ... VIEW POST