For some reason, I’ve just never really decorated our master bedroom. Sure it had furniture in it, but that’s about it! It just seemed to rank low on the priority list!
This was our room before. This furniture was one of my first major purchases out of college, and I was so proud of it! It was five matching pieces that I thought were so grand and grown up at the time! However…that was almost fifteen years ago, ready for a change…definitely time for a bedroom makeover!
I say makeover, but this room is still only half done. There is a running list (curtains, dresser, etc.) of projects that need to be tackled, but sometimes I think we have to celebrate progress over perfection! We are in a busy season with little kids, a demanding job for my hubby, and lots of commitments that we love, but that eat up our days. I’m sure you can all relate! I love doing these types of projects and makeovers, but they are time consuming, and I find that when I give myself time (and grace) to move at my own pace, and find what I really like, instead of just throwing something together to check it off a list, it’s much more satisfying!
So we started with the bed. I love the look of this upholstered headboard. It is a softer, but still polished, look and takes up less room, making the room feel bigger! I was hesitant to order a headboard online, but was pleasantly surprised with the color and quality! You can find the headboard here and rails here.
Then, the nightstands…this was a hot mess! So remember how I said I’m happier when I move at my own pace and don’t force things?? Well, I learned that the hard way with these guys! Once we put the upholstered headboard in, it was clear these were no longer going to work. They are too tall, too large and the style just didn’t fit. But I thought, just maybe, if I took the feet off and painted them white, I could avoid spending big bucks on new ones.
My hubby was out of town for work, my boys were asleep and I decided about 10:00 one night I was going to paint these guys right then! Do you do that? Let a project sit forever and then it’s like a light flips, and it has to be done RIGHT THAT MINUTE! Nevermind that they were still full of my hubby’s stuff he would want to go through, super heavy, and hard to move. I was going to make this happen! So I set up a drop cloth in our bedroom and went to work. I painted one side and then decided it might be easier if I laid it down flat instead of it standing up…you know since there is not really that much room to paint in my bedroom, but they were too heavy to move out by myself (first clue!)
So I went to lay it down and the night stand slipped and fell right on my foot. Now I’m sure you have stubbed your toe before and it hurts like heck, but a minute or two passes and so does the pain. Unfortunately, not the case here! I’ll spare you all the details but lots of blood, a curse word or two (sorry mom!) and those toes throbbed all.night.long. I tried to finish up the first night stand I had started….and I think my handy work reflects the pain I was in….my five year old might as well have painted it!
The next day I went to the Dr. and I had, in fact, broken my toes, and I will definitely be losing my big toenail sometime soon. Thankfully we are months away from sandal season, but even by then, it may not be pretty! The price I pay for impatience!! On a positive, I found Target has lots of fun colors of bandage tape so I was able to coordinate my big toe with my outfits…sometimes, it’s the little things! So after that, I was over trying to make these work. I searched for new ones that were the right size, style and wouldn’t break the bank.
I was SO excited to find these! I love the finish of them, they hold a ton and were the perfect height and size. My hubby said they were not super easy to assemble, but you cannot beat the quality and look for this price! If you are on the hunt for night stands, although I think these are actually marketed as a small dresser, but regardless, almost worth breaking my toes!
If you have furniture pieces that would actually work in your space, but just need to be painted, I have a furniture painting guide for beginners here where I guess I left out this important tip: Don’t break your bones/get help if your furniture is too heavy for you to move alone!
I snagged these lamps on a week that they were 50% off, pretty and neutral! I loved the shape of these mirrors! They come in two different finishes, and I also snagged them at 50%off. The vases are a Home Goods find (similar here) that I filled with lamb’s ear.
I fell in love with this sign. If you are married you know it’s one of life’s greatest blessings, but it can also be tough! It’s about choices and putting the other person’s needs and your family above everything else! I loved this reminder and quite frankly, sometimes I need to read it! This company has all kinds of pretty signs that are light weight, easy to hang and SUPER affordable! They run big sales all the time and run out of East Texas…my people!
I like simple bedding, so that has not changed much. We use white sheets, a white down comforter and coverlet for layers. I added faux fur pillows for fall and winter to add texture and this THROW! It was a bit of a splurge (even on sale!) but I really love it! Super soft and adds a lot of cozy!
My rug is also the same. I bought this a few years ago for a different space in our home, and it ended up here! I would love to eventually add something furry and soft, but I will say this has been a great, durable rug for high traffic. We have had it three years, and it basically looks the same as the first day we rolled it out! I also love that it is large enough to fill the room (8×11), but still affordable. If you’ve shopped rugs, you know the super large ones can be crazy expensive! You can find this one here. Mine is the beige and aqua, but it also comes in gray and aqua here.
Still a work in progresss, but loving the changes so far! I hope you will give yourself the grace to celebrate the progress over perfection whether it’s a bedroom makeover or something more important! There will always be some bumps and bruises (or broken bones) along the way, but we keep pushing forward, and that’s what it’s all about!
Thank you for stopping by!
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Girl your room turned out amazing!!! You did a fantastic job. Sorry about the broken toe! Love the new nightstands!!! Can’t wait to see what else you do!
I love that headboard so much! So pretty & elegant! Hope your toe is feeling better!
Nice makeover! Your room looks wonderful! BTW, what type of floors are those in your room? They are pretty!