Valentine’s Day is coming soon, so it’s time to spread a little love with these Valentine’s Day printables!
Directions for all printables:
Download and save either the jpeg or pdf file for the printable you want to print.
Print on heavy white cardstock OR send the file off to print.
I almost always use our local print shop, but Walgreens, Office Max, Costco, Sam’s, and Walmart are all easy options for getting things printed.
Pop It Bracelets
This is Logan’s choice this year! I grabbed these pop it bracelets HERE and connected them to the paper with these sticky squares.
White cardstock
Sticky Squares HERE
Pop It Bracelets HERE
Print your Valentines and cut them along the lines provided. Have your child sign the back of each card. Put a sticky square on each end of the bracelet on the flat part of the bracelet. Adhere it to the Valentine.
Pop It Keychains
I found these pop it key chains HERE.
Cardstock, scissors and hole punch
Pop It kepchains, found HERE
Print Valentines and cut the squares. Have your child sign the back of each one. Punch a hole in the corner of each square and thread the metal chain through both the tag and pop it.
Pinata Valentine Card Holder Mom Hack
I also grabbed this loot llama Fortnite pinata for Logan to use as his Valentine card holder at school HERE.
The flap to fill it with candy was at the top, so a cut it off and made the opening a little larger so cards can easily be placed inside!
Added the “Logan’s Loot” sign (which you could totally skip!) and done! An easy hack without spending lots of time and money creating a box!
This pinata was just $13 and you can find it HERE.
Click on any of the images below to find more pinata options that would work as Valentine boxes!
Fortnite Valentine
This was Logan’s choice last year! I found the pickaxe pencils HERE and HERE and just connected this with washi tape!
Yoda One Valentine!
These were Will’s choice for this year! He was so excited about these Yoda and Mandalorian ring pops that I found HERE.
White cardstock, scissors and a hold punch
Jute or ribbon
Ring pops, found HERE.
Print your Valentines and cut. Have your child sign the back of each one. Punch a hole in each corner at the top of the tag. Thread your jute or ribbon through the holes, attaching the tag to the ring pop.
Squishin’ you a Happy Valentine’s Day!
I found these cute Valentine squishies HERE.
Cardstock, scissors, and double sided tape
Squishies, found HERE
Print and cut Valentines. Have your child sign each card. Attach the squishie with double sided tape.
Wishing you a Slappy Valentine’s Day
This was Will’s choice last year! I love that slap bracelets are still fun!
Supplies Needed:
Slap bracelets- I grabbed this large set with lots of designs HERE or Valentine’s ones HERE
Scissors and Box cutter or exacto knife
Cut the Valentines on the lines provided. Using a box cutter or exacto knife, cut slits on either side of the word SLAPPY from the top to the bottom of the black section provided. Slide the slap bracelet in!
You aMAZE Me
These don’t really require anything to be attached, but I thought this 24 pack of pencils with heart eraser toppers was SUPER cute!
This exact set is no longer available, but you can find a similar one for under $5 HERE.
I connected them with washi tape. Almost everywhere has cute Valentine pencils right now!
I’d Pick You
I had some requests for Valentines for boys who maybe don’t get into the whole Valentine thing that much…and this is what I came up with!
My boys are 5 and 7, but poop and snot are always an easy sell at my house! Haha!
Scissors and a hole punch
Pixie Sticks, lollipops, pencil….whatever you want to thread through your nose. I went to Party City to get all green dum-dums for 10 cents each.
Print Valentines. Punch a hole at one nostril and another at the opposite corner. Thread your candy or pencil through the holes.
Among Us
These were per your request! My kids don’t actually play this game so I had to look it up!
I taped on chocolate hearts, but anything heart shaped would be fun (erasers, temporary tattoos, etc.)
Just Dropping In
My boys love these little parachute army men and Walmart had a really cute heart version too!
Find army men parachutes HERE and HERE.
Love is in Bloom
This Valentine uses mini play doh for the center of the flower, found HERE, but you could also use a fun candy for the center or any round trinket (mini yoyo, etc.)
Cardstock, scissors
Stick squares, found HERE
Mini play doh, found HERE
Print your Valentines and cut out. Have your child sign each one. Adhere play doh to the center of each card using sticky squares.
Perfect Pair:
Find fun sunglasses HERE and HERE.
Scissors and tape
Print and cut out Valentine’s.
Put a piece of tape on the back of the card to hold glasses in place.
You are Magical
Girly, and oh so fun!
Find the lollipops HERE.
Olaf Valentines
Some people are just worth melting for!
I used bubbles on these, but you could also replace that with the candy of your choice!
Hole punch and ribbon or washi tape
Small containers of bubbles
Find this packs of bubbles HERE and HERE.
Print Valentines. Position your bubbles to the side of Olaf and punch holes on either side of the bubbles. Thread ribbon through and tie bubbles onto your card.
Dinosaur Valentines
Find fun donosaurs you can glue or tie to these Valentines HERE and HERE.
Wild About You
This is a great option for preschool aged kids!
Stapler or Hole punch and ribbon
I ordered THESE animal sticker sheets from Amazon
or these animal masks are a fun option too! Find them HERE.
Cut Valentines and staple or punch a hole and tie sticker sheet to the back or tie masks to the cards.
Spread Love, Not Germs
This one would be fun tied to a bottle of hand sanitizer for the teacher and mini ones for the class! Find a few options by clicking the images below:

Awesome Sauce
These fun applesauce Valentines are so colorful and fun!
Hole punch and ribbon or jute
Applesauce pouches, find them HERE or HERE
This was Logan’s choice last year!
Hole punch and ribbon or washi tape
I ordered THESE PENCILS, but you could also do a lollipop, pixie stick or swirly straw! Find another listing for these pencils HERE.
Punch two holes close to the hand. Thread a ribbon through and tie pencil onto card. You could also use cute washi tape and just attach it that way! My original thought was to thread the pencil through two holes, but my hole puncher wasn’t big enough. That method would work for pixie sticks, lollipops or straws though!
Star Wars Valentines
These were Logan’s valentine’s a few years back….super easy and fun for your little Jedi!
Supplies Needed:
White Cardstock
Hole Punch
Glow Stick Bracelets-I bought my package of 20 at the dollar store for $1. You can also get them on Amazon Prime here.
Cut Valentine’s. Punch a hole at the top of the base of the light saber and another hole toward the top like this.
Thread glow stick (light sabers) though the holes and have your little sign his/her name!
Teacher Valentine Gift Card Holders
I always want to show the love to teachers, but ESPECIALLY this year!
You can find these eight Valentine gift card holder options for teachers HERE.
Hope you feel the love this Valentine’s Day and take an extra minute to show love to those that mean the most!
Oh my goodness, you are so creative! Thank you so much for these, it is a huge help for me with Paul’s Valentines this year.
I am grateful for you friend, and wish you the best rest of your weekend.
Well I just hit the jackboot with this post of yours!!! Thank you so much for these free printables…I can’t wait to see which one my daughter chooses. I’m guessing it will be the pop it on key chain one! Yay! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
You make the BEST Valentine’s!!! They are all so cute and fun!
Thank you sweet friend!