Do you buy Valentine treats for your dog?
If you had said yes, a few months ago I might have given you the side eye, but here I am getting giddy over these Milk-Bone treats I found at Target! The little bones that look like conversation hearts…..DEAD!!
My boys asked for a dog for MONTHS! We started applying with rescue organizations back in March and were not able to find a match. We were very discouraged and put down a deposit with a breeder. Then in December, just a few weeks before the puppies were due, we got a call from a Boston Terrier rescue organization about Lincoln.
We picked him up in January, and he has seriosuly been the PERFECT match for us! Well worth the wait!! He is a year and a half old, so he still has the energy of a young dog, but he came to us crate trained and potty trained. An elderly woman had taken care of him since he was a puppy, but her health no longer allowed her to give him the time and energy he needed. He is the perfect mix of energy and fun for the boys, while also being chill and snuggly. We did a lot of research on Boston Terriers and just love so many things about their personalities….
Plus this squishy face!!
Seeing my boys take on the responsibilities of having a dog has been so sweet, and Lincoln is already their faithful companion. Even my hubby, who took some convincing, is smitten with this guy!
On one of my many trips to Target I spotted these adorable Milk-Bone Valentine dog treats and knew we needed to show some love to this little guy who has already blessed our family in so many ways!!
You can find these Valentine Milk-Bone mini bones with words on them HERE.
And this heart filled with three different dog treats HERE. The Pup-Peroni is Lincoln’s absolute favorite!!
Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love, and this guy has shown us love in ways we didn’t even know we needed!! My boys just adore him, and there is nothing better than sweet puppy snuggles at the end of the day! The love for Lincoln is REAL!!
Find any of these sweet treats by clicking on the images below:
This post was sponsored by Target and Milk-Bone, but all opinions are my own.
Would you be willing to share the name of the rescue you got your adorable Lincoln from, and the breeder you considered? We live in the Austin area, so not too far from you guys 🙂 I had a Boston growing up, and my sister had my dog’s brother. They were such smart, fun, energetic dogs and we really love the breed. My husband and I have been talking about adding one to our family and your post was so timely. My mother is moving to live closer to us and she has also been talking about getting a Boston so it would be fun to get a sibling set again, but we are also open to rescues that need a good home.
Ps: did you see Marshal the Boston in Puppy Bowl this weekend? 🙂
How fun!! We rescued from Boston Terrier Rescue of North Texas! I cannot say enough good things about them! We had put down a deposit with Hey, Dood. They breed mini doodles, and we were going to get a mini Bernadoodle. While a puppy would have been sweet, I think Lincoln was definitely meant to be ours!!